All Around the Home and Homestead #36

This past week has been busy with freezing sweet corn and canning green beans. Lots of sweet corn and green beans. It’s hard to believe that within one week we have almost put up enough of each for the year. I am so very thankful!

We are on the verge of having enough tomatoes to start canning them. I can almost smell the spaghetti sauce and the chili now…YUMMY!

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All Around the Home and Homestead #35

This morning we were able to check the bees and we were so excited to see uncapped and capped brood. Hooray!! We didn’t find the queen but we know she’s there. 🙂 You have to look closely at the picture but you can see the white little babies on this frame.

baby bees

 The raccoons beat us to much of our corn harvest. We didn’t have our electric fence wires close enough together, apparently. Although it was disappointing that we aren’t going to get a very big harvest from our patch, we will still have plenty of corn from a friend. I’m thankful that we have we can work together with others and share our bounty with each other.

It’s Time for this Week’s Blog Party! I hope you will join in!

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Doctor Aviation ~ Review

Do you have a child who is fascinated by airplanes and flight? Or maybe they are interested in aviation history. You will definitely want to learn more about an online resource that members of the Homeschool Review Crew have been reviewing from Doctor Aviation. These online training videos cover a wide variety of topics associated with aviation and aircrafts. Brock has had the opportunity to review over the past several weeks.

Doctor Aviation
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Trust Fund Movie ~ Review

We love having family movie nights, but sometimes finding wholesome movies is a challenge. However, I am excited to say that we were able to enjoy a great faith-based movie recently from Mapelle Films called Trust Fund. We also were able to review the accompanying book, Love Was Near.

Trust Fund Movie
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All Around the Home and Homestead 34

Adisyn’s Alpine does are producing so well that we added a few more bottle calves, this week. I’ve started canning green beans. I am so thankful to be getting jars filled, especially since the shelf was totally empty. I generally have a few beans carried over from one year to the next but that didn’t happen this time. I always hate when we run out of any home canned veggies or fruits. Store bought just aren’t the same.

I’m looking forward to canning lots more produce over the coming weeks as the peppers, tomatoes and corn come into full swing.

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