Spring Seeding Red Clover

We have been enjoying some beautiful weather, including Saturday, when I was able to broadcast red clover seed on one of my mom’s fields.  This particular field has been in crop production for a few years and we are seeding it back into pasture.

Last fall smooth brome grass, timothy and orchard grass were planted along with wheat. Saturday, I broadcast approximately 10 pounds of red clover seed per acre.  This was very approximate as I was borrowing a seeder and it took a bit for me to get it set right.  IMG_3024


At this point, it is hard to tell how well the seeding will do as it is just barely starting to green up.  Hopefully it will do well though!

It will also be interesting to see how the red clover does.  The first eight acres or so that I seeded have a lot of red clover on them.  After that, it should be more uniform and more like it is supposed to be.

Since we will be seeding down our new farm, I will most likely get more practice seeding so hopefully I will improve.

(And despite some concerns from others that I would bounce the baby out he/she is still in holding.)



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