You may remember that when I planted the Yukon Gold and Red Pontiac potatoes it was in a new garden box that I didn’t fill all the way. I had the best intentions of adding more compost to the box as the potatoes grew. However, we went through a stretch of rainy weather which coincided with when I needed to be putting more compost in with the potatoes. Since it was muddy, Scott couldn’t get more compost for me. I wasn’t sure what to do; the potatoes needed dirt pulled up around them but I didn’t have any.

Potatoes needing to have dirt hilled up around them.
I had access to sawdust from when my dad had some white oak logs sawed into boards. A quick internet search revealed that people have grown potatoes in sawdust, so I decided to give it a try. I finished filling the garden bed with sawdust.
The potatoes seem to have done well. They filled the box so well that unless you separated the leaves you couldn’t see the sawdust anymore.

Potatoes have grown so much the sawdust is no longer visible.
We have started digging a few new potatoes and they seem to have yielded fairly well. I am pleased with them so far and look forward to digging the rest of them.