Rented pastures can be a blessing and a curse all at once. Many times the infrastructure is limited and as renters we hate to sink money into a permanent system. On the other hand, it is cheaper to rent pasture than to own it; so by renting we can increase the number of cows we can run without increasing our debt load.
This year we decided that we needed a second water source in order to better utilize a rented pasture. There are actually two pastures next to each other. The smaller pasture is about 13 acres and has a small pond and a well (that we know nothing about). The other pasture is 40 acres with no water source. We have two separate custom grazing herds (owned by two different owners) that we wanted to graze on the 40 acres. So the first thing we did was to divide the 40 acres in half with a single strand hi-tensile wire.

Next we needed to have two separate sources of water. There is a concrete tank behind the pond that we were in hopes that we could get to work. However, it appears that the line is stuck in the mud in the pond (gotta love Missouri mud!) We can water one set of cows in the pond (which is not desirable but with the current situation we have limited options), but we need a second watering location. Continue reading →