Day 1 Home Medicine Summit 2018

 I am slow getting this up today, but you still have time to watch today’s speakers until 9am CT Tuesday, October 16. Each day there will be a new line-up of speakers.

Click here to register and watch for FREE!

Screenshot 2018-10-15 at 11.09.25 PM

 The Home Medicine Summit is a FREE event that features 37+ speaker presentations and runs for 7 full days!

I hope you enjoy it.



*This post contains affiliate links. By purchasing the Lifetime Pass which is offered, I receive a small payment at no additional cost to you.

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Brinkman Adventures Season 6: Underground Rising ~ Review

If you’ve been reading very long, you know that the kids absolutely love to listen to audio adventures such as Brinkman Adventures. Some people binge watch episodes of their favorite shows, I caught the kids piled on the couch binge listening to Season 6: Underground Rising  (the digital version) after we received it. I had to tease them a little that they didn’t even let me join them.


Brinkman Adventures Season 6

Brinkman Adventures has now gone to a 6 episode season instead of the 12 they have historically done. This means that there will be over 2 hours of audio stories now.

Season 6 Episodes:

Dutch Underground Part 1 & 2

This episode of Brinkman Adventures takes us first hand to 1940, and the invasion of the Germans on Holland.  Right away in the story, we are thrust headlong into the true story of one family’s experiences in World War II.

During the war, Reng and Lynn got married, thinking that soon the war would be over since the United States had joined the war. However, that was not the case. Soon things got much worse for the Dutch people. They were required to have a 10 pm curfew and carry state issued identification with them all the time. Jewish people had a curfew of 8pm and had to wear the yellow star identifying them as Jews. Even having a radio was considered treason.

Hans and Reng, brothers, began to resist the Germans. They begin to develop a way to help those people who were hiding from the Germans. One way they found to help was to get ration cards for those people who were in hiding.

Hans and Reng, continue the dangerous work of gathering ration cards and hiding Jewish families until Hans is arrested and thrown into jail. Even Lynn was thrown into prison while she was pregnant. Despite the trials, they continued to help those who needed their help.

Twice Born Fly

Charlie isn’t sure he wants to fly over the lake, mostly because he is afraid he might die. Then when he watches a fly emerge from its pupa he is so startled by it that he accidentally inhaled and swallowed the newly born fly. When he ased his dad if he would die from swallowing the fly, his dad started telling a story of being in prison. The allogory Mr Brinkman told mirrors much of the gospel story. After accepting Christ as his savior, Charlie is no longer afriad to fly.

I Wonder Why?

Follow the Wonder family to an orphange in India in I Wonder Why?. Sam was reluctant to go to India, in the first place, and then when the orphans are so mean to her and her brother, Huck, she wonders why they are even there. Even her parents begin to wonder if what they are doing is making any difference, until after months of Bible study the meanest children accept Christ.

Free Burma Rangers Part 1 & 2

Raised as a missionary, Dave Eubank decides that he would like to be in the military when he grows up and then maybe later a missionary. He does ahead and become a Green Beret. That experience prepared him for his future missionary work in Burma. Dave and his family experience numerous instances of God’s protection while they work to help those injured and displaced by the Burma military.

There is even a very intense scene in which Dave led some villagers right past the the Burmese army. It is amazing to see God’s protection working in their lives.

The Free Burma Ranger motto:

Love each other, unite and work for freedom, justice, and peace. 

Forgive and don’t hate each other.

Pray with faith, act with courage, never surrender.

I am so glad we’ve had the opportunity to review Season 6! We absolutely love listening to these missionary audio dramas! Be sure to also check out the Brinkman Adventures website for the Real Stories for each episode. I’m excited that I can also share this 10% off coupon code with you. Enjoy!

Brinkman 10%

Connect with Brinkman Adventures on these Social Media Links: 


I encourage you to read other reviews from other members of the Crew by clicking on the banner below.

Brinkman Adventures Season 6 Reviews


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Encouraging Hearts & Home 10.11.18

Welcome to Encouraging Hearts & Home!

The Encouraging Hearts & Home Bloggers

Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let’s shine a positive light!

***Each week, our co-hosts will each choose 10 of our favorite links, along with the most clicked link, and pin them to our Encouraging Hearts & Home Pinterest board.

The most clicked post from last week’s Blog Hop was:

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How to Link Up

  • Use the form below to share your posts this week, and maybe you’ll discover some new ideas from all the fabulous links!
  • Please share only your family friendly posts with us!
  • Please only link up images that you have the rights to use.
  • By linking up, you agree that if your blog post is selected to be featured on any of our hosts’ blogs, we can use an image from your post with a link back to your post.

Other nice things you can do

  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host’s blog.
  • Visit a few other bloggers and show them your support. We all love getting comments, and who knows what inspiration you may find? Be sure to share the love–that’s what a blog hop is all about!
  • If you are interested in co-hosting, contact Anne at

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Stocking up the Barn

There’s something about the smell of fresh cut hay that is so delicious! While I love that smell, the satisfaction of having added hay to the barn is even better. Thanks to a team effort from Scott, his Dad, Eli and myself meant we were able to get over 200 bales baled and stacked in the barn Wednesday before the rain started on Thursday.


This time loading the hay was much easier than usual. Scott borrowed an attachment for our skid steer that can pick up 10 bales and stack them. What a HUGE BLESSING! I don’t know that we would have gotten everything done that we had to do Wednesday afternoon without it. We had to unload the hay by hand, but we were in the barn with lights so that worked out just fine.

We don’t put up any hay on our farm as we would rather bring in fertility than to move it around. However, we always have a need for at least some hay with the sheep, goats and show calves. We prefer to have small square bales of hay to feed because we have found that the livestock waste less feed with these bales. Also there is less spoilage waste than with large round bales.img_6198

Eli was busy raking, Scott’s Dad was baling, and I was setting the bales up on edge so that Scott could pick them up. I got my steps in that day.


We are so thankful to have gotten more hay put up! Since then it has been raining almost everyday so they grass is really growing still. Such a change from this summer’s drought!



Posted in Homesteading, Our Farm | 2 Comments

CashCrunch Careers ~ Review

Brock, Adisyn and Eli have been learning a little more about themselves and the type of jobs that might suit them well thanks to CashCrunch Careers from the makers of  CashCrunch Games.Screenshot 2018-10-10 at 1.02.08 PM

CashCrunch Games and CashCrunch Careers are both created by Paul Vasey. Mr Vasey holds a Business Education Degree from Nottingham Trent University and is a former teacher of Business Studies who left the UK and is now living in California. He says that many students go about picking a career backwards, rather than deciding what career would be fit them, many students decide on a college, then on a major and lastly a career. The goal of CashCrunch Careers is to turn this process around and help students start on the right path toward a career that best suites them. Continue reading

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