Quality over quantity.
Accuracy over speed.
Ideas over drill.
Perfection over mediocrity.
This year we are studying American history starting in 1800, so when given the opportunity to review Writing Through Modern History Level 2 Cursive from Brookdale House I was excited. What a great opportunity to improve the handwriting and writing of Brock, Adisyn and Eli while they are learning about history! I received the digital download for Writing Through Modern History Level 2 Cursive for review purposes.

*Note-Although we are primarily doing the lessons that pertain to American history there are other lessons included.
Writing Through Modern History Level 2 Cursive (WTMH) begins in the 1800’s and continues through 1985. It covers such subjects as:
- Frederick Douglas,
- the Fugitive Slave Act,
- Florence Nightingale,
- Louisa Alcott,
- Abraham Lincoln,
- the Civil War,
- Thomas A. Edison,
- Spanish American War,
- the Great War,
- dust storms of the 1930’s,
- the Navajo Code Talkers,
- Rosa Parks among others.
- There are also Australian, African, Chinese, Indian, Spanish and Arabian tales.
WTMH Level 2 uses Historical Narratives, Primary Source Documents, Poetry, and Cultural Tales to teach writing and grammar. The recommended schedule is as follows:
- Day 1: Read the story selection, have the student give an oral narration of the story, then have the student summarize the story in 3-6 sentences.
- Day 2: Copywork and Grammar (Complete Model Practice 1)
- Day 3: Studied Dictation (Model Practice 2)
- Day 4: Oral Narrations and Copywork (choose a selection from Chapter II or II to read with expression to student. Complete Model Practice 1)
- Day 5: Studied Dictation (Complete Model Practice 2 on day 4 selection)
How Have We Used Writing Through Modern History Level 2?
I have been using WTMH with Brock, Adisyn and Eli. I have been selecting those lessons that go along with our history which has been great! The kids have been able to read about (and complete copywork) on Frederick Douglas, the Fugitive Slave Act and Louisa Alcott. We look forward to completing multiple lessons on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War in the coming weeks.
I have really liked how it supplements our history lessons so well. I would not call Writing Through Modern History a stand-alone history curriculum but it certainly is a valuable asset. Although Level 2 is written for students in grades 3-5, I have also been using it for Brock (8th) and Adisyn (6th) since it aligns so well with our history.
We have enjoyed using Writing Through Modern History Level 2!
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Other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew had the opportunity review not only Writing Through Modern History Level 2 Cursive but also other products from Brookdale House. You can read their reviews by clicking on the banner below.

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