Where In The World Are We?

Life continues to fly by whether we want it to or not. During the past five months, blogging has taken a backseat to so many other projects. I will try to catch you up to speed on some of these projects.

We have continued to work on our house; but unfortunately we are currently at a standstill until the weather cooperates so we can pour the concrete for the basement walls and floor. Then hopefully it will go quickly as we have the drywall up waiting to be taped and mudded. The other big project will be building the two bathrooms but these also have to wait on the concrete. Our family is really looking forward to the completion of this project as we thought we would already be done.

We have expanded our herd of Berkshire and Chester White pigs. We should have our first litter of Berkshire pigs in mid January. Followed by two litters of Chester Whites in March.
We will have eleven more gilts to pig later in the spring.

I have two top bar hives that seemed to be well stocked and ready the winter. I hope that time will prove this to be the case!

We moved our cattle back yesterday to have them closer to home with the impending winter weather. We have some winter stockpile for them to graze on; however not as much as in non drought years. We do have hay we can feed as well so we should be set.

The kids and I have been enjoying school and homeschool coop classes. In coop, they have taken various classes such as geology, sewing, art, mouse trap cars and inventions just to name a few.

I was able to do even more canning than I have done in years past. It’s such a great blessing to have so many full jars! Of course, I am already thinking about warmer weather and gardening. 🙂

I truly hope that you are enjoying this Christmas season and that you are able to keep your focus on Christ.

May God richly bless you!

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