Have you ever struggled with teaching multiplication facts? Many children find the memorization of the times tables extremely boring. In school, I remember drilling and drilling and drilling as we all learned our mulitiplication facts. If you’re looking for a fun, intereactive way to teach mulitplication you will definitely want to check out this latest review, Times Alive from Times Tables the Fun Way.

Here is a sample lesson on 6×6:
You’re welcome, I know that you now have the song of Thirsty Sixes stuck in your head. Each multiplication fact has a different story and characters, each of which are as catchy as the Thirsty Sixes.
It is well known that using music is a great way to promote learning. Times Alive is great at using music as one part of teaching times tables. The cute cartoons are also essential for those visual students.
You can use the program for more than one student. However, because the program tracks the progress of the student based on the login from an individual computer you want to make sure that the student always uses the same computer. For example, in our house Eli always used the Chromebook laptop while Rebekah used the desktop. This way their progress was recorded correctly. Each child has their own login so if you only have one computer that is fine also.

The individual student Progress Report shows which lessons have been completed in addition to those lessons which have only been viewed. The Progress Report also shows how many questions the student got correct on the quiz and how long it took for the student to complete the quiz. As the student works through the program, you should notice that their times get faster and they have higher scores than the pre-test.
Eli and Rebekah both agree that Times Alive is fun! Eli says the facts are easy to memorize because of the songs and characters. They also agree that the lessons are just the right length.
I like Times Alive because the kids enjoy it so much and never argue about working on it. I especially like that the lessons are effective in helping them memorize their facts! I would have to say this is the best way to learn multiplication facts!
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