Pullet Chicks and Indian Runner Ducks

Last week we got our pullet chicks and the first of our Indian Runner ducks.  Unfortunately the ducks took three days to get here from the hatchery and were not in very good shape when I picked them up at the post office.  In fact, there were already four dead when we opened up the box.  Of the 15 ducks only 5 managed to live through the day. 🙁

I talked to the hatchery and they were so gracious to send us 16 replacement ducks this week.  They are all doing great!  (It only took two days for them to arrive this time.) It was amazing to see how much the 5 ducks from last week had grown as compared to the newly hatched ducks this week.

Thankfully the chicks were only in the mail for 2 days and arrived safely.  The chicks we ordered are an assortment of brown egg layer pullets.  It will be fun to see what breeds we have!

We divided the brooder house into two sides by placing a short piece of plywood across it.

It is amazing how much water 21 ducks can drink.

Some of the pullet chicks enjoying their side of the brooder house.

We are all enjoying the new ducks and chicks.  The kids are very faithful about checking to make sure that they still have water and feed.  Sometimes a little too often. 🙂

Personally I am looking forward to all those wonderful eggs they will be producing next spring!



Linked to: monday's homestead barn hop

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0 Responses to Pullet Chicks and Indian Runner Ducks

  1. tauna says:

    The brooder house you built looks great!

  2. Gretchen says:

    Love photos of those little chicks and ducks – sorry to hear that some didn’t make it. I would love to invite you to link up with me at http://www.backyardfarmingconnection.com/

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