Do you ever wish you could take your children on a trip to a different time and place? That is exactly what our family got to do recently with Project Passport World History Study: Ancient Egypt from Home School in the Woods.

Project Passport World History Study: Ancient Egypt is a hands-on, fun filled, activity based world history study of Ancient Egypt. For this review, I received a digital download of Project Passport World History Study: Ancient Egypt. (It is also available on CD.)

How Does the Project Passport World History Study: Ancient Egypt work?
Initially, I received a zip file containing all the images, PDFs, MP3s and lapbook assembly instructions. Also in this zip file is the “start” icon which opens up to a wonderful introduction of what to expect with the Project Passport World History Study. All the necessary “Travel Tips” are also laid out along with the “Additional Resources” which provide suggestions for extra reading. There is also a “Travel Planner: Quick Stop Itinerary,” which gives an overview of the 25 Stops (lessons) that you will make over the next 6-12 weeks of traveling.
The instructions for printing off the necessary pages are also clearly laid out. For example, how many copies are needed, what type of paper it is to be printed on (i.e. cardstock, colored paper, white paper.) The printing instructions are also broken down by the Stop number. For me it was easier to print a few “Stops” at a time rather than print everything off all at once.
For each stop there are various activities including Laying the Foundation, Mapping, Wish You Were Here…Postcard Greetings from Famous Folks, Snapshot Moments in History (Timeline.) There are also Audio Tours to correspond to different stops.
How Did We Use It and What Did We Think?
The oldest three have been going through the Stops of Project Passport: Ancient Egypt. In preparation for our trip, the kids began by readying their suitcases and passports. The directions said to use a 3-prong folder for the suitcase. This is such a cute idea! Next the prepared their passports. Within the passport they have a place to record their name, country of citizenship, date of issue and their signature.
We then arrived at our first Stop on our journey, the beginning of the world. Stop #1 begins with God creating the earth and then talks about the Flood and the Tower of Babel We then begin to learn about the people who settled on the banks of the Nile; the Egyptians. The kids learned that the Nile river is the lifeblood of the region and how it supplies water and nutrients to the region to allow crops to grow. They also began to label their map of ancient Egypt.
Stop #2 Introduced them to the unified kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. They also continued to label their map and were able to start their newspaper “The Kemet Chronicle.”
On Stop #3 we learned about Egyptian clothing and jewelry, how to make mud bricks, what they would eat and continued working on the newspaper.
Although my girls really enjoy completing lapbooks; typically, the boys don’t enjoy them all that much. However with Project Passport: Ancient Egypt that has not been the case. All the kids have enjoyed the hands-on projects! Brock has been intrigued with Egypt for a while so it was especially fun to watch him enjoying this history lesson so much. We will continue to make our way through Ancient Egyptian history. Based on our experience, I would recommend Project Passport World History Study: Ancient Egypt as either a full history curriculum or as a fun supplement to another curriculum.
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