Encouraging Hearts & Home 1.25.18

What a beautiful Thursday morning here in Missouri! I’m glad you’ve chosen to stop by for this week’s Encouraging Hearts & Homes. Remember to stop back by during the week to see all the great posts that are linked up.

Welcome to Encouraging Hearts & Home!

The Encouraging Hearts & Home Bloggers

Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let’s shine a positive light! Continue reading

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Encouraging Hearts & Homes 1.18.18

Happy Thursday Morning!

Welcome to Encouraging Hearts & Home!

The Encouraging Hearts & Home Bloggers

Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let’s shine a positive light! Continue reading

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Freezer Stocking Day

It seems like the people around my house expect to eat three times a day, everyday. There are days that I have plenty of time to cook, but there are other days which are so busy I don’t really have much time to put something together. I still want to feed them something good, and preferably from scratch. That’s where stocking the freezer comes in. I can quickly grab out something that I put together ahead of time and fix them a nutritious, delicious meal.

You might be wondering when I have time to spend stocking the freezer. Rarely, do I set aside time to stock the freezer. I just don’t. So when do I stock it? Most often it is while I am fixing a meal. Instead of laying out enough meat for one meal, I lay out enough for several meals.

Earlier this week, while I was fixing supper, I was able to get six more meals put together and stocked in the freezer. Then I went ahead and got the meat out of the freezer and started defrosting it so that I could put together four more meals the next evening while fixing supper.

Certainly, if you have a few hours to set aside to stock the freezer you could put together 20 or more meals.

MyFreezEasy Success Guide 1200x800-1

*This post contains affiliate links. Continue reading

Posted in In The Kitchen | 2 Comments

Encouraging Hearts & Homes Blog Hop 1.11.18

It’s been a busy week around here. We finally had a few days of warm weather which was wonderful!! Yesterday, we took advantage of the 50 degree weather and made sure we had the lambing/kidding barn well stocked with fresh straw and filled the bulk water tank. Hopefully, the water tank will have enough in it to take us through the next cold spell which is predicted to start today.

Currently, it is 50 degrees and raining but they are saying that by noon it will be 27 degrees. Tonight’s low is predicted to be 9 degrees. I’m thankful for the moisture we are receiving as rain though! Our ponds are low and much of this is running off which will help the pond levels.

I hope you will join me for this week’s hop: Continue reading

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Fresh Start, New Year Special on Something We LOVE

I love the hope and expectation that comes with the new year. Plans are made for the upcoming year, hopes of a year better than the previous. I have found that the new year is also a good time to look at our homeschool. Are the resources we are using sufficient? Do they suit us? Is there something that different that we would like to study? A resource that I often turn to is SchoolhouseTeachers.com.

Screenshot 2018-01-04 at 10.02.47 PM

We have used a wide variety of classes from SchoolhouseTeachers including: Geography of the Bible, Home Economics, Drive Thru History (American and Ancient), and Dinosaurs of the Bible to name a few. We just started ACT/SAT Math prep through SchoolhouseTeachers also.

What can a membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com provide for you? With over 360 courses (and they’re continually adding more!), there are a WIDE variety of classes available. These classes have been written by more than 200 different authors and are not Common Core Aligned. You can pick and choose which classes you would like to use. Use one at a time or twenty for the same low cost.

There are also planning and record keeping resources for the homeschool parent. There are classes designed for parents, toddlers and everyone in between. And just in case there aren’t enough other resources, your membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com provides you with online access to the World Book Resource Library.

If you are ready for something new in your homeschool be sure to check out SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Right now is a great time to try it out because SchoolhouseTeachers is on sale and as long as you maintain your membership your rates are locked in.

Homeschool Curriculum for Everybody - {SchoolhouseTeachers.com Reviews}



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