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Yesterday, Eli and Rebekah went to the rented pasture to help me set up the electric fence for our first paddock. They enjoy helping with that task and they had the added enjoyment of being able to help unload the custom grazing cattle later in the morning. We generally work together on the task, however, sometimes it makes sense to split up. At one point, we had split up, they were working on the second side of the paddock, while I finished putting posts in the first side.
I got done before they did, so I sat down to wait for a few minutes. While sitting there, enjoying the absolutely gorgeous morning, I couldn’t help but notice a tiny flower. I’m sure that there were many of these tiny flowers, all over the field. However, it wasn’t until I was sitting down and waiting that I noticed it.
Sitting there, admiring the tiny flower, made me think about my life. So often I am in a hurry, trying to get things checked off the to-do list. Am I missing important small things? I sure don’t want to miss the beauty in the small things that make life special. It was a good reminder to me to slow down, enjoy the moment and find the beauty in the situation.
You see, yesterday morning when I left to go to the rented pasture, the first time, I didn’t take Eli and Rebekah with me. I left early and was letting them sleep in. On my way over there I had a flat tire. One that went flat, right now. Generally, I have a full size spare available to change out but it wasn’t in the van. This left me to use the donut that I have NEVER had down from under the van. I called Scott but he was at least 45 minutes-1 hour away from rescuing me. He would have to finish what he was doing at work and then run back by our house to grab a tire. I didn’t really have time for all that because the cattle were to be arriving in about an hour and 15 minutes. That wouldn’t give me enough time to set up the fence.
So I jacked up the van and got the tire off. I was starting the process of getting the donut down from under the van when a truck stopped. It was three guys who put up Morton buildings. They offered to help so accepted their assistance. At first the thought the donut had enough air in it, however, once on the van we could see that it didn’t offer much hope.
I called Scott again and we decided that I would go ahead and try it. I was only about 4 miles from my destination and once I got there I could put air in the tire. Well it didn’t make it four miles. Instead I limped it to a friend’s business and hitched a ride to my Dad’s house. (My parents are divorced but live across the gravel road from each other. So when I’m at one house I’m within walking distance of the other.)
Once at Dad’s, I borrowed his side-by-side to head over to the pasture to set up the fence. That is when I got the call that warranted me mother-of-the-year award. Adisyn was calling to see where I was because she needed to be at work in 45 minutes. UGH! I had forgotten that she was working. For months, she’s been working on Fridays. However, in May she decided to start working Thursdays and Fridays. So I turned around and headed back to my Mom’s. I borrowed her truck and headed home to get Adisyn. (Mind you she was less than 10 minutes late, and if she hadn’t insisted on McDonald’s breakfast she would surely have been on time. Not bad, considering the morning. ha)
It was while I was picking up Adisyn for work, that Eli and Rebekah asked to go along. I certainly wasn’t going to turn down the help at that point! Thankfully, it all worked out the cattle were a little later to arrive than we had first planned, which gave us time to have the fences both up.
I got to enjoy setting up fence with Eli and Rebekah, complete with time to enjoy the beautiful tiny flower that God so carefully crafted. Sometimes I need these reminders to slow down and enjoy the moment. Surely, I’m not the only one who needs this reminder.
Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let’s shine a positive light!
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This review comes to you compliments of the younger kids (mostly). We received a super cute, hardcover children’s book to review from WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group called Nothing. Nothing by Natalee Creech and illustrated by Joseph Cowman, is a wonderful depiction of the love that God has for us.
So what can separate us from God’s love? As Natalee Creech eloquently writes in this cute rhyming book, Nothing can. No matter where we go or what we do we cannot be separted from the love God has for us.
The younger kids have loved me reading this book to them. It seems to be Isaiah’s favorite as he loves to look at the adorable illustrations and wants the book to be read to him. Hannah thinks the book is cute (in her sassy six year old way of saying cute!). We have enjoyed snuggling up to read Nothing several times now and everytime the kids have enjoyed it.
I always appreciate books that have valuable lessons woven throughout them. What lesson could be more important that learning about God’s love for us. It’s not dependant on anything we do or anywhere we go. He freely gives it to each of us.
This book would make an excellent gift to any special child in your life. I think we all need to be reminded at some point that God loves us no matter what; that nothing can separate us from His love. One of my favorite quotes from the book is :
“You are LOVED and FORGIVEN. What a wonderful thing! You’re adopted as God’s own. YOU’RE A CHILD OF THE KING!”
Books can be such a wonderful opportunity to share God’s love with the special people in our life. This one is certainly one of those opportunities!
Connect with Worthy Kids Books on these Social Media Links:
When I sign up for a review, I usually have in mind who will be doing that particular review and generally, that’s exactly how the review is completed. Occassionally, a review item ends up appealing to more people. That is exactly what happened with The Hamelin Stoop Series from 12 Gates Publishing. Originally I thought only Brock and Adisyn would be reading and enjoying the series. Well that’s not at all what happened. You see, I wanted to read the books too so I would be able to write the review (with added details from the kids), Then I found out the books were available on Audible. This was great because I could listen to them even when at work. (I mean I love the feel of a good book in my hands, snuggled up on the couch reading; but let’s be honest that is very rarely something I get to do anymore. There are these kids who think they need fed and…lol)
In fact, I decided to sign up for Audible just so I could listen to the books. I don’t always have a lot of time to read but when I work at the hotel much of my evening is spent on laundry. Specifically, hours of folding laundry. That meant I had hours of time available to listen to a book. I was so drawn into the books I couldn’t stop listening; I would listen at work, at home, in the car, basically anywhere I could find a few minutes to listen.
This meant that several of the kids were also hearing chunks of the story and were also being drawn in. Since I completed both books, Eli started from the beginning and can be found hiding with my phone listening to Hamelin Stoop on the Audible app.
The Eagle, The Cave and The Footbridge
The book starts with a young couple and their new baby fleeing from capture from Ren’dal’s men. The parents see no other way to save the poor baby than to leave him on the local orphanage stoop. Since most of the letter that the mother left with the baby was ruined, the people at the orphange didn’t know the babe’s name or anything about him. The one word they can make out appeared to be the name Hamelin. So they decide to name him Hamelin Stoop.
The story takes us through Hamelin’s young life. Watching him belong to everyone and yet no one. He longs to know who he is and who is parents are. Why was he left at the orphanage? Why do all those people he becomes close to have to leave?
On his 8th birthday, everyone at the orphanage forgot Hamelin’s birthday so he decided to run away. That is when the real adventure for Hamelin began. When it started to storm in the night he sought safety in a cave. It was there that he was introduced to the Great Eagle and first came to the footbridge. However, his failure to cross the footbridge would mean that others who were waiting on the other side would have to wait longer.
Three years later Hamelin gets a second chance to cross the footbridge.The Great Eagle guides him through the Tunnel of Times to the Atrium of the Worlds. Perhaps, he will finally be able to find his parents and have so many questions answered.
The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna
Once he has passed through the Atrium of the Worlds, the Great Eagle tells him that he will meet two others who will need his help. In fact, the three of them are to work together to accomplish their mission. Hamelin isn’t even for sure what this mission might bee.
The three friends, each with their special gifts; Hamelin’s gloves, Eraina’s scarf and Lars’ shoes, begin their journey to recover the Jewel of Periluna and to find Eraina’s lost sister. With guidance from the Great Eagle and the Hospitable Woman, the three are successful on their quest to recover the jewel and the princess, Charissa.
What Did We Think?
This is my favorite quote from the series,
“all of us must do our work. And certainly what we are rightly and properly told to do becomes our duty, our obligation. But as we grow, what we are justly asked to do and what we deeply want to do can become the same thing. Doing our chores prepares us to achieve the longings of the heart. And as we know our longings, we learn patience in doing our duty.” Sue Ammi, The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna
I love that even within a fantasy, fiction novel there are life lessons throughout. How true it is that our chores do prepare us to achieve the longings of the heart?!
The Hamelin Stoop series is captivating and intriguing and begs you not to put it down. I have to admit I’m anxiously awaiting the next book in the series, the series really is THAT good!
Want to know what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought? Click on the banner below to read their reviews.