If you’re like me, you want to take your food storage to a whole new level. However, organization is certainly not my strong suit so I figured there are problably others that struggle too. My hope is that these printables will help you get organized and not overwhelmed about building up your food storage with canning, dehydrating and freezing.
Where to Start?
First Step is to download your free Food Preservation Goals & Records printable. (I have mine in a 3-ring binder in plastic sleeves. I figure the plastic sleeves will help keep the pages nice as I work to update them throughout the year.)

Develop a Plan
Make a list of those foods that you already know how to preserve (canning, dehydrating or freezing). Think about how often you have those foods per week or month. This will help you know how much your yearly goal should be. Once you feel comfortable with this list add in a few things that you would like to preserve that are new to you. Remember our goal is to help us be organized not overwhelmed so don’t pile too much on yourself.
After determining your overall yearly goals, start going through and determining your goals month by month. The way I completed this task was to put priorities on those items that are in season each month. For instance, when blueberries are in season you are more likely to get them in bulk at a reasonable price. However, don’t be a slave to the goal list. If you can get a great deal on something different, take advantage of that. Remember our goal is to take out the overwhelm and help us achieve our food preservation goals.
I have found that by dividing the goals out month by month and then week by week, I don’t feel so overwhelmed with all that I want to preserve.
I already feel like I am so much more organized! I have a doable plan of action.