Farm Progress: Sheep and Cattle Moved

This past week (in addition to fixing the water leak) we moved the sheep and cattle.  The two pastures that we moved the cattle and sheep into needed minimal fence work done.  Other parts of the farm need more in depth fence repairs; so we will continue to work on those.

Faithful Homestead sheep

Sheep grazing and resting in their new pasture.

Faithful Homestead Cattle

The cattle are also content in their new home.

The two pictures were taken the evening we moved them so it was beginning to get dark.  Both herds seem very content in their new homes, despite the fact that we weaned the calves off the cows when we moved them to the farm.

The calves and cows are actually just across a fence from each other which helps the calves take the weaning better.  Also since both the cows and calves have plenty of grass they are even more content.

At this point we have part of the hogs moved, but not all of them.  Our goal is to have them moved in the next few days. Scott has been working today to get the fences fixed and ready where the sows will be.

It is exciting to see all the progress that has happened this past week.  The weather has been wonderful which has really helped us!!  It has been unseasonably warm for December and we are so very, very thankful!



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3 Responses to Farm Progress: Sheep and Cattle Moved

  1. Julie says:

    They look so happy!

  2. Jan says:

    Gorgeous pictures! They make it seem like less work than I know it really is/was! Thanks for sharing your updates and adventures with us at Country Fair Blog Party!

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