Building a Grape Trellis: Part I

You may recall that we transplanted our grapes to our new farm back in November.  In anticipation of them growing, I have wanted to get started on building the arbor.  Friday the weather was fairly nice and it seemed like a great day to start that project.

There was an old, rickety deer stand that was left here when we purchased the farm.  Much of the lumber was still in good shape so I asked the kids to dismantle it.  They seemed to have fun with that task.

We are reusing the 4″ x 4″ x 8′ posts from that old deer stand for the main posts for the grape arbor.  Although I have helped Scott build quite a bit of fence, I had not previously been the operator of the post hole digger.  So I had to call him to find out which buttons to push, in what sequence to make it work.  (I’m sure he loves those kinds of calls from me!)

Anyway, we were able to successfully dig the three post holes and get the posts set.  So far that is as far as we have made it but it is a start.

Grape Arbor I Faithful Homestead

I sure hope the finished project looks like the vision I have in my head for this grape arbor.   I guess only time will tell on that.



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