Our home remodel continues with the kitchen. The existing concrete floor in the kitchen was very uneven. In order to install flooring, we really needed the floor to be at least mostly level. We felt like we had two options: 1) build a false floor or 2) use self-leveling concrete to make the floor level. We decided to try the self-leveling concrete.

It’s a good thing I said “mostly level” because that’s what we got. While it is light years ahead of what we had before, it is still not totally level. Simply because we didn’t have enough self-leveling concrete but that stuff is EXPENSIVE! There are times that I really wish we had the budget to just get all these remodeling projects done. However, I am the type of person that likes a challenge so I consider it challenge accepted to remodel on a shoestring budget. We just have to get creative with resources, reuse whatever we can and make the best of it.
We ended up using 5 bags of the self-leveling concrete and to make it totally level I think we would have had to double that amount. At $32 per bag, I really couldn’t justify that much more expense right now. Shhhh don’t tell anyone and they might not notice that it isn’t totally level and at least now the pitted concrete is covered up.

After (Maybe I should take out the random water lines that used to go to the sink that are hanging from the ceiling. HeeHee)
I am so excited to be making progress on the kitchen!! It will be nice to have it all done and hopefully be functional by Christmas. (We won’t have new flooring by then but hopefully the cabinets will be set and the countertops installed with a functioning kitchen sink.) It’s all a work in progress for sure.