Our first experience listening to Brinkman Adventures began recently with Season 3. Brinkman Adventures is available as either the CD set or as an MP3 download. For this review, we received the 4 CD set which has over 5 hours of Audio Missionary Drama!

The Brinkman Adventures are jam packed with exciting audio adventure that travels around the globe with missionaries. From the glaciers in Alaska, to the jungles in Equador and to the sands of the Middle East.
The Brinkman family is based on a real-life large family whose names have been changed. The missionary stories are based on real missionaries as well; some of their names have been changed while others have not.
The titles for the twelve episodes in Season 3 are:
- God’s Mule
- Mountain Mover
- The Silent Ambassador
- Translating Trouble
- Man-Up
- Acorns and Oaks
- A Saint’s Story, Part 1
- A Saint’s Story, Part 2
- Untouched
- Busy Bees and a Bullhorn
- Missionary Tourist, Part 1
- Missionary Tourist, Part 2
What Do We Think of Brinkman Adventures?
When I asked the kids what they think of Brinkman Adventures here is what they have to say:
Adisyn: “I like to listen to audio stories and so far this is one of my favorite audios. My favorite episode was “The Silent Ambassador” which was about a shy girl named Esther who came up with the idea to start an Operation Christmas Child club.” I found this very fitting because we are currently compiling our Operation Christmas Child boxes.
Eli: “Brinkman Adventures are fun. I like the one about Steve Saint and that he helped the people who killed his father.” (We talked at length what kind of faith it would take to forgive the men who killed your father and his friends and then be able to help him.)
Rebekah: “My favorite (episode) is about the guy whose dad was killed (Steve Saint).”
Brock also agreed that he really enjoyed the story of Steve Saint but he also enjoyed the the story set in Alaska called Man-Up.
It is certainly safe to say that the kids have really enjoyed Brinkman Adventures (and so have I!) I am so thankful that we are able to hear the missionary stories and can learn from them. We have had some great conversations that started after listening to an episode of Brinkman Adventures. After having been exposed to Season 3 of the Brinkman Adventures, I think we may have to look into getting Seasons 1 & 2, we have enjoyed it that much! This audio drama would make an excellent gift for a special family in your life!
You can connect with Brinkman Adventures on Facebook.
I encourage you to click on the banner below to see what other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew have to say about Season 3 of the Brinkman Adventures!

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