Although the landscape is still brown and barren, if we look closely we can see small green sprigs in the grass here in Missouri. There are beginning to be promises of the upcoming spring; the geese are headed back north, several robins have been spotted and the temperatures are beginning to creep up. As much as I absolutely love spring and summer I also know that there are many long day’s of work ahead with gardening and farm work, but I am looking forward to those days!

I feel like the garden soil is calling my name! We have started seeding some plants in the old walk-in cooler. Yes, we are running behind schedule from where I wanted to be now but we are moving forward.
I am beginning to understand that life will never go as smoothly or as on schedule as I would like but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the journey.
2019 was such a challenging year for our family; with injury, illness, loss, financial challenges…but we made it through, are making it through. We are stronger for those challenges. I certainly wouldn’t have picked so many hard things to go through but God is always faithful and he brought us through to the other side.
I’m not expecting 2020 to be a bed of roses, but I do look forward to the year with hope and anticipation. There’s something about the symbolism of spring coming after the cold, dark and dreary winter that just gives me hope; much like the hard days of our lives there are better days ahead.