Hannah has been having fun practicing her handwriting with the fun Rhythm & Writing program that is part online and part workbook. She’s been able to “hang out” with Big Country, Hip Hop, Mo Rock and Jazzy Faith, the gang from the Rhythm & Writing with the Get Write Crew.

How Does it Work?
The idea behind the Rhythm & Writing is to provide a fun, effective way to teach children to write their letters correctly. “Rhythm & Writing was designed to help kids just learn to write, and even those who need just a little extra help learning to write correctly. Through the use of catchy phrases that are easy to remember, your child will enjoy learning to write…the right way.”
There is a pre-assessment that you can use to identify if there are certain letters your child struggles with. Since Hannah is in Kindergarten, I opted to forego the pre-assessment and just have her practice all her letters. She was having so much fun, she wasn’t going to complain about practicing even those letters that she does well. However, if you student is older, they might benefit from the pre-assessment and having their lessons structured specifically to their needs.
The online portion consists of the Instructional Videos which feature the Get Write Crew. Big Country, Hip Hop, Mo Rock and Jazzy Faith sing their way through teaching how to properly form the letters. For instance, when learning the v and w, the rhyme is down stop, up stop and down stop, up stop, down stop, up stop. You can actually listen to three of the lessons prior to getting a subscription. The V,W lesson is one of those lessons, I encourage you to go and listen to it so you can sing along with me; down stop, up stop…
What Did We Think?
This is one of those programs that you either love or don’t. Hannah LOVES it! Most of her older siblings don’t but that’s totally okay with me. They’ve had their times to pick the things they love. HA! Hannah loves the songs and has been caught more than once singing along as she watches the videos. I love that she’s having so much fun with handwriting practice! I remember handwriting being the thing we spent hours doing in school, whether or not we needed that much practice. It seemed like such drudgery. She is NOT having that same experience. Handwriting has been so fun for her!
Some of the other kids have had bad handwriting habits that we’ve had to break because they formed their letter improperly. I’m thankful that with Rhythm & Writing the major focus is on the proper formation. This is great because I won’t have to spend time breaking bad habits! It’s even more wonderful that she enjoys the program so much!!

Connect with Rhythm & Writing on These Social Media Links:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/learntowritewithmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dreammakersyf
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNzZpKs0dOJDLXpYHRIGnsA
I hope you will also read reviews from other members of the Homeschool Crew to see what their families thought of Rhythm & Writing with the Get Write Crew!
