We recently had our first experience with a high school level litereature guide from Memoria Press. Adisyn has been working through Tenth Grade Literature Guide Set, which features guides for The Scarlet Letter, Julius Cesear, Romeo and Juliet and To Kill A Mockingbird. The set also includes a corresponding Teacher Guide for each student book. There are two options available for the 10th Grade Literaure Sets, one that includes the novels and one that does not. We received the set which does not include the novels. We chose to start with The Scarlet Letter.

The Student Books are all very similar in their approach to studying the corresponding great work of literature. The introduction is dedicated to helping the student become familiar with the “Taking With Us What Matters”, “Four Stages to the Central One Idea”, and “How to Mark a Book.” There is also a set of Comprehension Questions based on the that gets the student thinking in terms of the time period and setting the book is written in, details of the author, and other important pre-reading exercises.
Since Adisyn started with The Scarlet Letter I will address it specifically, however, the other study guides are very similar in their format. The Student Book contains three parts, in which each part has the following aspects: pre-grammar/preparation, grammar/presentation, logic/dialect and rhetoric/expression. Part 1 of The Scarlet Letter covers the Introduction and Chapters 1-5. Part 2 covers chapters 6-15 and Part 3 covers chapters 16-23.
The student guide isn’t designed to write the student answers and responses in so we have a notebook for Adisyn dedicated solely to her literature course. It is in this notebook that she answers all the definitions, comprehension questions and socratic discussion questions.
What Do We Think of the Literature Guides?
I feel like these literature guides are a rich study into the great novels. Adisyn has had to dig deep into the meaning of the book which has been so good for her. It’s been a good number of years since I read The Scarlet Letter, but it’s been fun to be able to talk with Adisyn as she’s gone through the book and guide. I look forward to more fun conversations as she finishes The Scarlet Letter and moves into the other literature guides.
I feel like the Tenth Grade Literature Guide Set has been a good fit for Adisyn’s sophomore year. I’m glad we’ve had the opportunity to review it and add it to her coursework for the year.
In addition to the Tenth Grade Literature Guide Set, other members of the Homeschool Review Crew have been reviewing:
- StoryTime Treasures Student Guide and Answer Key and More StoryTime Treasures Student Guide and Answer Key
- Second Grade Literature Guide Set
- Third Grade Literature Guide Set
- Fourth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Fifth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Sixth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Seventh Grade Literature Guide Set
- Eighth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Ninth Grade Literature Guide Set
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Previous Memoria Press Reviews
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