Lard Rendering For A Beginner

Saturday for the first time, I rendered lard. When we had our pig butchered, I had the butcherer save the fat trimmings for me. (This particular butcher no longer renders lard as they have little demand for it.)

Here’s how I did it:

The butcherer ground the lard for me which makes it melt quicker. If your fat trimmings aren’t ground, then cutting them in small pieces is is a good idea. I placed the lard in my electric roaster and set it on 250* F.

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photo 3

I spread the lard out so that it would melt more evenly.

Periodically I would lift the lid and stir it as it melted, because my roaster gets hotter near the edges than it does on the bottom.

photo 4

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You can see that as it melted the lard became transparent and the cracklings began to appear.  Once it had all melted, I used a slotted spoon to remove the cracklings.  After the cracklings were removed, I turned off the roast and let the lard begin to cool.  This took several hours, much longer than the melting took.  I ladled it into an ice cream bucket, when the lard had cooled to just above room temperature.

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I stilll have more lard to render but I am no longer intimidated about this job.  I kept putting off trying it because I was sure I would burn it or otherwise ruin it. I am so glad that I finally tried to render lard.

What task have you been putting off because you wonder if it will be too difficult?

This year I hope to become proficient on some new tasks that “I have always wanted to do.”  Won’t you join me?


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One Response to Lard Rendering For A Beginner

  1. So what do you do with the rendered lard?

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