“Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.” Daniel J. Boorstin
Doctor, lawyer, computer programmer, conservation agent, sports trainer, caterer, photographer…there are so many varied career fields. It can be hard for high school students to chose the field that they are most interested in. What if there was a way they could learn more about the day-to-day tasks that are associated with the job field they are interested in? What if they could get hands-on experience that would also qualify as high school credit? How do they go about finding this hands-on experience? Apologia Educational Ministries has a resource geared specifically toward this type of experience, the new book Internship for High School Credit.

An internship is a great opportunity for a student who is interested in pursuing a particular career path to get a better understanding of that particular career. I have known several people who have gone to college majoring in one subject only to get into the workforce and decide that the career isn’t what they thought it would be. An internship during high school can help a student determine if the career path he thinks he wants to pursue is actually the right one for him.
Internship for High School Credit walks students and parents through the entire process of a high school internship; from finding an internship, how to write a resume’ and introductory letter, preparing for the interview and much more. The is a large part of the book dedicated to worksheets that help the student document their experiences and log their hours.
Part II: Information for Parents walks the parents through helping choose the internship location, child labor law considerations, transcript documentation, number of credits, and grades.
Two-thirds of the book is devoted to a workbook, in which, the student can record goals, experiences and the number of internship hours as he is working through the internship. There are thought provoking questions throughout that help enrich the learning of the student. There are places for the student to record specific things he has learned. Throughout the semester, the student is encouraged to get feedback about his work from his supervisor. As the student gains new skill sets he is also encouraged to update his resume’ to show these new skills.
We are hoping that Brock will have the opportunity to complete an internship prior to graduating high school so that he will know if the career path he thinks he wants to take is really the one he should pursue. However, I would like for him have his driver’s license prior to starting an internship so that I don’t have to escort him to his internship daily. 😉
An internship for high school credit would be such a great opportunity for any high school student! Over and over again I hear from employers that many young folks come to work unprepared and unwilling to work hard. Instilling a good work ethic and the willingness to learn from others are wonderful traits!! A student willing to learn through an internship, especially if they are willing to learn and work hard during an unpaid internship, will be a very valuable employee. Valuable employees are in great demand!
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I encourage you to read the Internship for High School Credit reviews from other members of the Homeschool Review Crew. If you are new to homeschooling, you will want to check out the reviews of How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook). Reviews of both of these Apologia resources can be found by clicking the banner below.

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