Memoria Press has graciously allowed us to review the Iliad & Odyssey Complete Set. This set is based on the 8th century B.C. epics written by the Greek poet Homer. The set features the translations of Samuel Butler, “which are both scholarly and easily accessible to younger students.” The set is written for use by students in grades 7-12. We have been using it with Mr. B as his literature course.

The Iliad & Odyssey Complete Set contains: Both books, The Iliad and the Odyssey as translated by Samuel Butler, the Memoria Press Teacher’s Guide for each book, the corresponding Student Guides and the Instructional DVDs for each book (5 DVDs for The Iliad and 6 DVDs for The Odyssey.)
Each Student Guide lesson covers one book in the respective epic. These lessons typically begin with a section to Identify Places and Characters. The next section includes the Comprehension Questions. These questions require sentence or short answer responses. There are Quotations taken from the text and then Discussion Questions.
The Teacher Guide includes additional information that helps make teaching this course so much easeir! When I’m teaching so many different levels I really need an open and go approach to help me be an effective teacher. This Teacher Guide is exactly that. It is loaded with helpful information but doesn’t bog me down with too much. A subset of each completed Student Guide page is also included which adds to the open and go approach. I didn’t have to spend time flipping back and forth in the Teacher Guide. Let me show you a sample page:
In the back of each Teacher Guide, there are three tests. The first test covers Books I-X; the second covers Books I-XVIII and then a Final Exam.
Mr. B says that the instructional DVDs really help to make the story easier to understand. Sean Brooks, the instructor, does a great job explaining what is happening and why it is happening. The DVDs really add to the depth of understanding that Brock is getting from this course!! When he read the first Book in Iliad he seemed quite overwhelmed; however after watching the corresponding DVD lesson he was so excited because the story made so much more sense to him. I’ve not had any trouble getting him to utilize the DVDs throughout because they bring so much clarity to the story for him.
I am thankful that Mr. B is able to experience these classics in such a great way. This set provides such a rich learning environment. The Iliad & Odyssey Complete Set would take right at a semester to complete if you work through the program at the recommended three lessons per week.
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In addition to the Iliad & Odyssey Complete Set, other members of the Homeschool Review Crew also reviewed the First Form Greek Complete Set, The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic Set and 200 Questions About American History Set.
