Hallo! Wie geht’s dir? (Hello! How are you?) The one foreign language that has Mr. B the most intrigued is German and thanks to Middlebury Interactive Languages he is getting to take their High School German I course. For this review, we received access to German I the self-paced, immersive course for one year.
They offer other German Courses as well. Their German courses include:
- Elementary German (for grades 3-5)
- Middle School German I (for grades 6-8)
- Middle School German II (for grades 6-8)
- High School German I (grades 9-12)
- High School German II (grades 9-12)
Middlebury Interactive Languages also offers courses in Spanish, French, and Chinese.

The screen shot above shows the Table of Contents for Unit 1 Lesson 1. Each lesson has this type of format with Warm-ups, Matching and Speaking Labs. Providing the student a consistent learning environment.
There is mid term exam scheduled during unit 9 and the final exam is scheduled for week 18. The second semester also has a mid term exam during unit 27 and the final exam is during unit 36.

Mr. B has found the High School German I class quite challenging but enjoyable. He strives for perfection, so he has been moving slower through the course than the suggested calendar provided in German I. The great news is that Middlebury Interactive is set up so that you can progress at your speed. Honestly, I am okay with him taking his time as I feel that he will have a better retention if he is truly interested (which he is) and if he strives for perfection. Now if I just knew German so I could converse with him…Wouldn’t that be fun?!
I really like the way the lessons are set up with plenty of practice saying and reading the words, in addition to, hearing them in conversation. In the Gradebook section, the scores to his quizzes and tests are automatically recorded. This works well for providing a written record of his progress. I would certainly recommend Middlebury Interactive Languages to other homeschoolers as a great way to provide foreign language education to their students. It would also work well for students who would like to learn a language that their public or private school doesn’t provide.
Connect with Middlebury Interactive Languages on these Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Middlebury-Interactive-Languages-141015515949753/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiddInteractive @middinteractive
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/middinteractive/
Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew reviewed other levels of German, as well as, various levels of Spanish, French and Chinese. You can read their reviews by clicking on the banner below.
