Rebekah has been wanting to learn to play the piano for quite some time. So when we were given the opportunity to review Easy Piano Basics from JazzEdge, she was very excited! For this review, we received a lifetime subscription to Easy Piano Basics. Easy Piano Basics is good for a beginner of any age; however, I found that for Rebekah (age 6) it was beneficial for me to sit with her during the lessons. The program would also be good for adult beginners or those who are wanting to get back to playing the piano.
Easy Piano Basics has 32 Lessons that vary in length from approximately 3-10 minutes. Willie Myette, the instructor, does a great job presenting the lessons in such a way that he thoroughly covers the material without boring the students. We found the lessons easy to follow and Rebekah has really enjoyed them.
When you purchase Easy Piano Basics, it is a one-time fee ($69.95) which allows you unlimited viewing from any internet device (i.e. computer, tablet, smart phone). This also allows you to use the program with multiple students or to review piano basics again in the future. Downloadable printables that go along with the course are also included for no additional cost. Upon logging in you see the Student Dashboard with each of the lessons visible. From here you simply click on the lesson that you are ready for.
Rebekah has been using a keyboard we had bought a few years ago when Adisyn wanted to learn how to play piano. We have a wall-mounted television that hangs over the dining room table that we hook one of the computers up to for school and that is what we used for her lessons. It was easy for her to sit at the end of the dining room table with the keyboard and be able to watch and listen to Easy Piano Basics on the television.
It was so fun to watch Rebekah as she learned important piano basics. Very early on, she proudly showed me each C and F on the keyboard. Easy Piano Basics has allowed her the opportunity to begin learning to play the piano while being much cheaper than if we had had her taking traditional piano lessons and an added bonus was that she could have lessons without leaving the house!

Maybe you are looking for an online program that is designed for someone who has had some prior piano experience; if so, you will want to check out PianoWithWillie. Or if drums are the musical instrument of choice you might want to check out DrumsWithWillie.
To find out what other members of the Homeschool Review thought about Easy Piano Basics; as well as, PianoWithWillie and DrumsWithWillie click on the banner below.

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