I love the promise that spring holds; new life, blossoms and buds. In late October 2015, we moved our currants to our newly purchased farm. We dug up bare sticks that looked basically lifeless and trusted that they would be able to not only survive, but thrive in their new home. Each year since then, they’ve continued to grow and produce a few more berries with each passing year. This year looks like it will be the best year yet! The currant bushes are absolutely loaded with blooms and they are gorgeous!
I am really looking forward to having a nice size currant harvest this year. Well, if I can get them picked before the kids discover that they are ready. They love to eat them! (I’m not going to complain about them eating anything from the garden even if sometimes I wish they would leave a few more for me.)
These mightly little bushes can show us a lot if we will look. Deeper than the beauty of their many blossoms, is the promise that they can bloom wherever they are planted. I want to be like these currants; blooming where I am planted.
I love this analogy!! May we all bloom as your currants! ♥️