Since that first homeschool convention when I discovered Andi in the Circle C Beginnings Series, my family has been a fan of the books written by Susan K. Marlow and published by Kregel Publications. So you shouldn’t be surprised that when the opportunity came to review her two newest books, Andi Saddles Up and Andi Under the Big Top, I really wanted to get them. These are the first two books of the new Circle C Stepping Stones Series. I wanted to be able to read them aloud to Rebekah, Quinton and Hannah and introduce them to Andi.

She and Taffy were finally horse and rider. Her big brother Chad even showed her a special place on the ranch that was quiet and she could call her own, that is until Sadie showed up. She and Sadie soon learn that neither of their families are as thrilled that they are friends as the girls are. Andi has to wonder why the grown-ups’ problems mean that the girls can’t be friends.

After church Cory grabs Andi to drag her to see something down the street, she can’t imagine what he is so excited about. Soon she sees the source of his joy, the brightly colored posters declaring the circus is coming to town. In Andi Under the Big Top, Andi gets to experience the circus parade and the circus that comes to town.
Andi runs into Henry, a boy who looks to be only seven or eight who works with the circus. She’s sure that he must love working with the circus until she learns more about his situation. She learns that Truckee, his boss, is mean to Henry.
Andi decides she must come up with a plan to save Henry. What she doesn’t count on is the awful thing will happen to her sweet Taffy and that Henry will tell her he doesn’t want to be saved.
Free Study Guides
Both books have free Study Guides which create a great experience for the students to learn more about the different aspects of each story. For example, in the Andi Saddles Up Study Guide, there is a diagram with a horse and the different parts of tack labeled. There are fun vocabulary worksheets which cover the new vocabulary introduced. Each book’s study guide is written so that it will take twenty-one days to complete the activities. There are also Lapbooks available to further extend the learning and fun.
What Did the Kids have to Say About the Books?
I had decided I wanted to read Andi Saddles Up and Andi Under the Big Top to Rebekah, Quinton and Hannah. What I hadn’t counted on was Eli and Adisyn hanging around to hear me read as well. Even though the books are written for kids 7-10 they both find the stories enjoyable.
The kids can related to a lot of the things that happen in the books. The younger ones can relate to Andi feeling like her big brother Chad is bossy and mean as they have a big brother who they think is sometimes bossy. 😉
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Read the reviews of other members of the Homeschool Crew to see what their families have to say about the Circle C Stepping Stones books.

Thanks, Jennifer, for taking the time to review and share your thoughts about the new SS books. Is that steer in your banner one of your own? Nice, tasty-looking beef there!
Thanks again!
Thank you for taking the time to read my review and stop by the blog! Yes, that is one of our cows.:)
Thank you for stopping by! Yes that is one of our cows. When I saw her on the hill by herself I just had to get a picture. 🙂