I really can’t believe that our second year on the Homeschool Review Crew is coming to an end!! We have been so blessed to be a part of this group. We’ve been introduced to and loved curriculum that I never even knew existed.
The audio adventures from Heirloom Audio Productions and Star Toaster are just a couple of examples that fall into to the “never knew they existed and now we love them” category.
There have been so many other great products that we’ve been able to review. I hope to have the kids vote on their favorites so I can let you know which ones they think are tops.
One thing is for sure, our homeschool has certainly benefited from our time on the Homeschool Review Crew!!

Would you like to have the opportunity to become part of the Homeschool Review Crew?
Now is the perfect time to apply!
(And I’d appreciate it if you’d tell them I sent you.)

- You need to be currently home educating at least one of your children.
- Be passionate about curriculum.
- You need to have a blog and be willing to post one non-sponsored post a week on your blog about any family friendly topic of your choice.
- We use networked marketing and as such you need to active on social media and willing to share your reviews on your social media platforms.
- Sample reviews are helpful. If you’ve never written a review on your blog, go ahead and write one for curriculum you are currently using in your homeschool. This will help us see how you approach writing reviews. You will be required to link to a review in the application. You may also be asked to write a review with instructions we will provide to you.
- For a more detailed description of the blogging and social media requirements please read this post: Wanted: Homeschool Review Bloggers
If this sounds like something you might be interested I encourage you to give it a try. I am so glad that I did!
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