This evening the heifer that Rebekah has picked as her favorite had her calf. This is her birth story in pictures.

Those are the front feet, this is good. The best position for a calf to come is both front feet first.

The new mama starts licking her new baby. This serves two very important purposes 1) helps the calf dry off and 2) helps stimulate the calf to stand up. It essential that the calf stand up and nurse within the first few hours of life

The baby is already trying to find a place to nurse. The first milk that the mama produces is colostrum.
Rebekah was thrilled to be right beside me when the calf was born. She has named the new little heifer calf “Thumper.”
The sun soon went down so I didn’t get any pictures taken of the calf standing.
- Water bag: The fluid filled bag that comes out before the calf.
- Heifer: A female cow that has not yet had a baby.
- Colostrum: The first milk produced and it contains essential antibodies for the newborn baby.
We have been so blessed to be able to share this lifestyle with our kids! It is so wonderful for them to be able to witness the miracle of life. We are so thankful for God’s many blessings in our lives!
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Wow, congratulations! What a neat documentation of your calf’s birth. 🙂
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